A juicy natural stone like autumn fruits appears!
When the heat is relieved, it is time to miss the taste of autumn. Autumn is ahead of autumn with delicious fruit color natural stone.

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Finish into a juicy accessories inspired by fruits and nuts.

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・ Natural stone glasses retired charm plan maron yellow veryl (natural)
・ Natural stone glasses fastened charm drop cut kernelene (natural)
・ Natural stone glasses fastened charm drop cut green garnet (natural)
・ Maru Kan 0.6 x 4mm gold
・ Joint bracket oval Vatican gold
・ Chain necklace K-205 approx. 55cm gold
・ Natural stone glasses fastening charm Maron cut ruby (glass field) (natural)
・ Natural stone glasses fastened charm drop cut eyeolite (natural)
・ Natural stone glasses fastened charm drop cut green garnet (natural)
・ Maru Kan 0.6 x 4mm gold
・ Joint bracket oval Vatican gold
・ Chain neck 260-2S With adjuster approximately 45cm gold

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・ Natural stone round cutcarnelian sardinx (natural)
・ Natural stone glasses retirement charm flat Cizkut Andecin (natural)
・ Maru Kan 0.6 × 3mm gold
・ T pin 0.5 x 15mm gold
・ Earring hoop can 11mm gold
・ Natural stone round lavender amethyst 3mm (natural)
・ Natural stone glasses fastened charm drop cut eyeolite (natural)
・ Maru Kan 0.6 × 3mm gold
・ T pin 0.5 x 15mm gold
・ Piercing French Hook Round Gold

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・ Natural stone round dumolchilite in quartz (natural)
・ Natural stone round cut pink sapphire (natural)
・ Charm Reef No.6 Green/G
・ Maru Kan 0.6 × 3mm gold
・ T pin 0.5 x 15mm gold
・ Design hook pierced earrings U -shape No.1 gold
・ Natural stone round cut fosfosidelite (natural)
・ Natural stone round cut phantom torin (natural)
・ TOHO Tegus strength 2
・ Piercing wire hoop No.2 20mm gold
* Beads balls are used with 30 pieces one ear.