About the environment

Kiwaseisakujo The browser settings for using online stores are as follows:

  • Please enable JavaScript.
  • Please enable cookie use.
  • Enable SSL.
  • Internet temporary files (cache files) may not display the most recent information.We recommend that you press the Update button to reload it, or remove the cache file from your browser's environment settings.
    *Please check your browser's help to see how to set this method.

The site is checked in the following circumstances:

  • PC-Chrome for Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox
  • Smart Phone-iOS and Android-Latest Edition

Under the above recommended environment, it may not work correctly depending on the environment, browser settings, and browser version, such as FireWall or virus protection software.
-Each browser can be updated with a new version of the product to reduce the amount of layout that can be disrupt.
And the above settings can guarantee the behavior of all customers.Please be careful.