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Recipe (Figure only) No.kr0901 German glass heart neck & earrings

KiwaseisakujoThe precious German interior glass purchased by the buyer has been finished in a mood -perfect necklace and earrings. The first design and technique for the first time that you can connect with a round can and glue the cabon to the earring bracket! For antique designs, the winter fashion is ranked up together with knits and the like.

* Since the main parts have been discontinued, only the recipe diagram is posted. Please note that ingredients cannot be purchased at once.
参考価格 約¥3,550
サイズ ネックレス 約40cm、イヤリング 約6cm
使用工具 ヤットコ(平)ニッパー目打ち、接着剤(種類は「材料表を確認する」の材料を参照)



