When using a finger ring
step 1
Place the finger ring on your non-dominant thumb, grab the round ring (or C ring) with your flat head, and insert it into the groove. (Choose the width of the groove according to the thickness of the can)
Step 2
Use a flat tool to open the ring by sliding it back and forth. When closing, shift it back and forth.
*If you stretch the ring open, it will cause metal fatigue and break, so be sure to shift it.
When using two flat Yatko
step 1
Hold two Yatkos with both hands and hold a round ring (C-ring) between both Yatkos. Open the ring by sliding it back and forth.
Step 2
When closing, shift it back and forth.
*If you stretch the ring open, it will cause metal fatigue and break, so be sure to shift it. -
*Be careful not to open too much to the left or right as it will distort!
See other basic techniques
How to handle fittings
The way to open and close the Marukan and C Kan
T-pin 9-pin rounding
Vatican A-Kan: The Triangle of Kan Triangle
The way to hold the bridge can be held.
How to use a ball-chip
Using the Cover of a Cover and a Cover of a Cover
Using the U-character bracket
Kashime and Kutzura no Tomekata
the manner in which the stone is kept
How to use one-patchin
How to Use Slide Ball
How to use stainlescoil
The way the shower is fastened.