A rich flower accessories of metal parts suitable for fruitful autumn
Beautiful metal flower parts with delicate forms and textures are available.
Use plenty of flower parts to make gorgeous and elegant accessories with rich beauty.

If a metal flower with a characteristic of thinness is made gently with a flat or hand,
You can create three -dimensional flower accessories like real flowers.

The delicate form and detailed metal flower motif
For a feminine finish with elegance.
Flower design shines gorgeously on the sharp shine of metal.
Try to make an elegant adult accessory along with simple colors such as clear and white.

Overflowing flowers and fruits color the ears and chest,
Introducing elegant accessories.

Two piercings with pearls, bijou and flowers bloom with the ears gorgeous.
Curve the petals gives a delicate and expression, giving a more elegant mood.
Light petals are also attractive. It seems to be active in various scenes.

It seems to smell the scent of flowers.
By simply arranging three metal flowers,
Y -shaped necklace with more organic beauty of flowers.

Use plenty of clear German acrylic like small flowers and morning dew.
Equity accessories with impressive sense of omission.
Plus arrangement to the hook earrings in the image above!

On the SuzumaruMetal Stick Maru Line Wave 2 Can about 30mmand
Maru Kan 0.6 x 3.5mmIf you add and connect
For a feminine design with S -shaped lines fluctuated.

Three kinds of ear accessories of gorgeous metal flower.
Click the button for materials and points.

American piercing
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