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Shoen Kumihi (four strings), and four strings, No. 6

商品情報 価格(税込) 在庫 購入・お気に入り
商品番号 61640306
size Approximately 2mm
入数 1 piece (1m)
価格(税込) ¥638
This is the kumi-hare of the silk material.It is teamed up in two books, two tapera, and two thin.

This is a bundle of four threads that are vividly dyed brightly in the western part of Kyoto.It's a very mild finish, characterized by a soft texture and a clear and shiny lustrous color.
Since it is stained, it is possible to change color or color when soaking wet with water or sweat.Please be careful not to use it or store it in wet conditions.

素材: 絹、ラメ糸

